Because you deserve to be happy and fulfilled at work
You spend as much time, if not more, at work than you do at home. You should enjoy it. Right? Discover what will enable you to not only enjoy where you work...but love it!
You spend as much time, if not more, at work than you do at home. You should enjoy it. Right? Discover what will enable you to not only enjoy where you work...but love it!
Discover more about yourself and what you need from your workplace to be happy, engaged, and fulfilled with your career.
Learn what questions to ask and what answers you should watch out for to help you determine if this is the job for you — or someone else.
Learn where to look for opportunities, what to look for in job descriptions, which type of positions and organizations are best suited specifically for you, and more, how to maximize the negotiation, and much more!!
Backed by hundreds of thousands of data points and analyzed by world-leading career experts, you’ll get an inside look at everything you need to love your job and career.
Take WorkFit DX today and find what will bring you happiness and fulfillment with your work!
“I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my career. I mean, I knew I wanted to go into operations, but I wasn’t sure what type of work culture would make me happy. Then I got my WorkFitDx guide and it all came together.”
– John S.
“I was struggling finding a job I didn’t hate. Then my friend told me to get the Job Hunt Guide and Interview Report. WorkFit Dx helped me take control of the interview process and now I love where I work.”
– Kristin C.
“I spent tens of thousands of dollars — and four years of my life — to go to school and get my degree. But once I landed my dream job, I realized it just wasn’t for me. Feels crazy, but the Career Guide helped me understand what I really wanted out of a company. I was able to take those learnings and find a job and team that I actually love.”
– Charlie K.
“We have found that, because no job is perfect, it is helpful to know what you might be able to give in exchange for what you need from an employer.”
– Barbara N.
Inside the WorkFit DX you get personalized insights, strategic ideas and powerful interview questions to use when navigating difficult employment interviews.
This guide could be the only tool you need to avoid making fatal mistakes and finding the career you can thrive in.
Studies show that the first career job you take matters a great deal in your overall satisfaction, income and ability to work in your chosen field. Many without the type of guidance offered in WorkFit DX, are underemployed and stay underemployed for decades, never catching up. The opportunities for advancement and greater income are lost.
For those already employed, WorkFit DX gives excellent guidance to get you into the job you should be in.
WorkFit DX is designed and has been tested by over 30,000 individuals to help land great positions and opportunities.
There are no substitutes or replacements for the information you will learn in your WorkFit DX results. A very small investment will save you years of frustration and dissatisfaction.
Answers to the most common questions!
WorkFit DX helps you find the job you will love. It is a tool designed to help individuals identify their needs, values and preferences as they relate to job and career choices. It is designed to help individuals find jobs that match their interests and needs, and provide guidance on how to best approach the job search process, evaluate employers, managers and leadership teams.
Individuals should take WorkFit DX if they are looking for guidance on how to find a job that is aligned with their values, needs, interests, and preferences. The DX is designed to provide concrete advice and strategies for maximizing one’s chances of landing a job that provides the most of what they want and the least of what they don’t want
WorkFit DX includes a weighted ranking of an individual’s current position-type preferences, along with a detailed report that explains the best academic research related to each preference. The report also provides concrete advice on how to maximize one’s ability to find a position that gives them what they want and need to love their job, strategies for prepping for an interview, and specific questions to ask during an interview to evaluate the prospective employer, organization, manager and leadership team.
Strengths-based approaches (like Gallup’s CliftonStrengths), have been shown to bring good outcomes in helping individuals learn how to study and approach their work, once they are in a role. As they explain on their own website, “One of the most common questions clients ask… is there a specific job I should choose based on my CliftonStrengths Top 5? The short answer is, “No.” This is not a tool that will prescribe the right or wrong job for you. But it… can provide some meaningful insights into how you can shape your current role to better match your talents and improve your effectiveness.”
Luckily there is a good bit of research on CliftonStrengths. Research has shown that a strengths-based approach to development can lead, for instance, to a decrease in the number of students who quit college between their first and second years. It has also been found that when it was used in high schools, a six-week strengths-based program increased academic expectancy, positive academic behaviors, and extrinsic motivation levels. The positive connection between a strengths-based approach role-development and training is backed up by good research. What is not backed up is the use of a strengths-based approach to job matching (this is likely the reason for their clarity in the quote above).
To this point, one recent study, finding no connection between strengths and career choice, explained, “This lack of discernible interaction between vocational interests and strengths perhaps suggests that strengths can be applied across vocational endeavors, rather than being attracted to particular activities; supporting that strengths are not field specific and can be applied across multiple life roles.”
Other researchers go on to explain that, “there has only been one study that has examined the effects of identifying strengths and implementing a strengths-based intervention in a career counseling context.. The participants learned about their strengths and were asked to use their strengths in their job search. The strengths-based intervention led to… no increase in career exploration or life satisfaction.” They also mention that, “no such study exists with the college student population.” This is in line with what Gallup themself says. The StrengthsFinder has been shown to help people “shape their current role” (student, employee, manager, etc) once they have one. It is not built to help you in your job search or selection.
As described on their own websites, the Strong Interest Inventory, “helps individuals identify their work personality by exploring their interests,” and FOCUS 2’s explains that, “FOCUS 2 CAREER provides a great starting point for students who are overwhelmed about the choices that are out there.” Both FOCUS 2 and Strong II are particularly useful at helping students sort through occupational categories. This is helpful, for example, in helping students pick a major.
Supporting this, the primary study cited to support FOCUS 2 found that use of FOCUS 2 among first-year college students, “increased confidence that they can perform various career-related tasks.” That same study also found, however, that “participation in the FOCUS-2 system was associated with an adoption of a more pessimistic style of career decision making for 1st-year college students in our study (i.e., participants believed that career decision making was less under their control and influenced by external factors).” FOCUS 2 brings value by providing useful information on occupational categories. The problem is that without clear mechanisms to actually land desirable positions, they end up feeling that their careers are, “less under their control.”
FOCUS 2 can do a great job in helping people explore occupational categories. It could be described as a smart encyclopedia of occupational information combined with some personality-type self-DXs to help explore possible career categories you might enjoy. This is a valuable service, but as you will see is very different from what we offer.
The differences between what FOCUS 2, CliftonStrengths , and WorkFitDX do are significant. Research has shown that FOCUS 2 primarily helps students explore career categories and CliftonStrengths helps them, “shape their current role.”
Students need something in the middle. They need concrete direction and feedback to help them find a position that gives them what they want out of their next job. A smart occupational encyclopedia doesn’t do this. They need specific, applicable, customized insight into what they value and what they means. They also need direction on how to find a position that offers what they value, and some council on how they can negotiate to get that. In essense, they need something like a close friend who knows the ropes of how things really work in the job market. (This is a particular challenge for first-generation college students).
DiSC is a behavioral DX that categorizes individuals based on four different behavioral styles: dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness. WorkFit DX, in contrast, is focused specifically on identifying an individual’s values and preferences related to career choices. DiSC DXs can provide individuals with insight into their behavioral style and preferences, which can be useful in personal and professional development. However, DiSC DXs may not be ideal for use in job search because they have been shown to have limited predictive value for job performance and satisfaction and may not necessarily translate into improved career outcomes. While DiSC DXs can be a useful tool in personal and professional relational development, they should be used in conjunction with other factors and DXs when making job search decisions.
You will learn about your current position-type preferences and how these preferences relate to your values, needs and interests in a job. You will also receive guidance on how to best approach the job search process to increase your chances of finding a job that is aligned with your values, needs, interests, and preferences.
WorkFit DX is completed online and typically takes less than 20 minutes to complete. Individuals are asked a series of questions related to their values and preferences as they relate to career choices. Once completed, individuals receive a detailed report that explains their position-type preferences and provides guidance on how to best approach the job search process.
Access codes for WorkFit DX are typically delivered electronically within minutes of purchase.
WorkFit DX assesses an individual’s values and preferences as they relate to career choices. This is important because finding a job that is aligned with one’s values and preferences is typically associated with greater job satisfaction and success.
WorkFit DX is not timed. Most people are able to complete it in under 20 minutes. It’s important to note that rushing through the DX may not provide the most accurate results. It’s recommended that individuals take their time and answer the questions thoughtfully to ensure the most accurate DX.
WorkFit DX access codes can be distributed to multiple people via email or through a learning management system (LMS) like Canvas or Blackboard. The access codes can be purchased in bulk and then distributed to each individual who will be taking the DX.
Yes, you can retake WorkFit DX as many times, and as often, as you want. Studies have repeatedly shown that values, strengths, desires, and even personalities change over time. This is why you’re not just getting a one time test, your getting lifetime access to the test to help you understand and strategize your path forward. WorkFit DX is designed to measure your values, needs, interests, preferences, and priorities at a specific point in time. If you take it again, your results may be different based on changes in your circumstances or thinking. We recommend that you take WorkFit DX every one to two years.
WorkFit DX can help you evaluate your current career. It is designed to help you identify your values, needs, interest, preferences, and priorities, and provide guidance on how to find a job that aligns with them. By understanding your values, needs, interest, and preferences, you gain insight into whether your current career aligns with them and whether a career change may be beneficial. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether you are in the right career based on your own goals and values.
Maybe you should answer the questions differently. Just joking, kind of. Take time to really think about what is really important to you, then ask to take WorkFit DX again.